Sean Gladwell | Moment | Getty Images Escalating tensions between Russia and Ukraine sent stock markets lower once again on Wednesday. Many individual investors are feeling the recent market declines triggered by geopolitical risks personally, particularly when it comes to their retirement account balances. Financial advisors say this could actually be an opportunity to put
Families have long sought to move toward better neighborhoods and schools to put their kids on the pathway toward success. A study from the Census Bureau is providing fresh insight on where to look. It revealed significant racial disparities between demographic groups. For example, white families have strong rates of upward mobility in high-income neighborhoods.
In this article LOW A customer pushes a shopping cart towards the entrance of a Lowe’s store in Concord, California, on Tuesday, Feb. 23, 2021. David Paul Morris | Bloomberg | Getty Images Lowe’s said Wednesday that sales rose 5% and surpassed Wall Street’s estimates in the fiscal fourth quarter, as Americans bought, fixed up