Ting Shen/Bloomberg via Getty Images Most payday loan borrowers aren’t using the lowest-cost repayment option in states where it’s available, perpetuating a cycle of high fees and debt, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau said Wednesday in a report. In some cases, payday lenders have withheld information about these “no-cost extended repayment plans” from borrowers to
Saul Loeb | AFP | Getty Images Rising interest rates are crushing the mortgage market, as precious few homeowners can now benefit from a refinance and more potential homebuyers become priced out. Total mortgage application volume fell another 6% last week compared with the previous week, according to the Mortgage Bankers Association’s seasonally adjusted index.
Stock futures inched higher in overnight trading Tuesday as investors await the latest insights into the Federal Reserve’s policy tightening. Minutes from the Fed’s Tuesday meeting are slated for release Wednesday afternoon. Investors are bracing for new details about the Fed’s plan to reduce its balance sheet. Futures on the Dow Jones Industrial Average rose