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Key Findings The Biden administration’s budget proposals have several provisions focused on raising taxes on the U.S. fossil fuel industry. These proposals largely depart from neutral tax policy and intentionally target the industry. Internal Revenue Service data does not indicate any substantial tax preference for the fossil fuel industry, rather indicating the industry pays relatively
Sometimes the more you learn about a tax policy, the more it confuses you. Many times, the confusion lies between the intent of the policymakers and what really happens. Often, it’s when important issues were overlooked when the policy was being designed. Such is the case for U.S. companies that run losses on their domestic
Property taxes are the primary tool for financing local government and generate state-level revenue in some states as well. In fiscal year 2019, property taxes comprised 31 percent of total state and local tax collections in the United States, more than any other source of tax revenue. In that same year, property taxes accounted for 72 percent of local