
The latest version of the Biden administration’s Build Back Better reconciliation package reintroduces a policy that has been tried before—and abandoned: a corporate alternative minimum tax (AMT). It would be a mistake to revive this complex and poorly designed policy. Instead, lawmakers should consider directly reducing corporate tax expenditures. The corporate alternative minimum tax was first introduced
The recent agreement on a global minimum tax and other changes to tax rules around the world have called into question the future of tax competition. It is difficult to anticipate how tax competition will ultimately be impacted by these changes, although I seriously doubt that the usefulness of Tax Foundation’s International Tax Competitiveness Index
The breakdown of supply chains both domestically and worldwide currently dominates headlines. One strong explanation of supply chain failures is the dramatic increase in federal spending throughout the pandemic—raising aggregate demand—combined with the COVID 19-era shift of consumption from services to physical goods. That, coupled with preexisting issues that limit the ability of our ports
Can’t impersonate guilt; Breakthrough busted; married lawyers plead; and other highlights of recent tax cases. Tampa, Fla.: Brenda Dozier, 54, has pleaded guilty to conspiracy to commit money laundering. From July through at least November 2015, Dozier laundered money that had been extorted from U.S. residents by conspirators residing in the States and overseas. India-based
Election Day will be a modest affair in 2021, perhaps a welcome respite from the inflamed politics of recent years. Despite few statewide races, however, voters in some states will decide important questions by ballot measure. Of particular note, through 10 ballot measures across four states—Colorado, Louisiana, Texas, and Washington—voters will decide significant questions of
The year’s worst ideas; cyber-currency phrase book; the shutdown and taxes; and other highlights from our favorite tax bloggers. The winners are… Tax Vox ( The top Lump of Coal Awards for the Worst Tax Idea of 2018, including New Hampshire’s fighting collecting sales taxes; Seattle’s “head tax” on large employers and Sen. Bernie Sanders’s