
“Frothy eloquence neither convinces nor satisfies me,” the 19th century Congressman Willard Duncan Vandiver allegedly declared. “I am from Missouri. You have got to show me.” In the realm of tax policy and economic competitiveness, lawmakers from the Show-Me state are turning the old adage around. They are showing the rest of the nation how
I-R-A. Who knew three letters could be so daunting yet yield so many benefits for our financial lives? IRA stands for Individual Retirement Account. And if you’re like most people, you likely think it sounds like a fancy investment tool that is reserved for people with loads of money and an unattainable level of financial
Throughout the first year of the Biden administration, one tax policy theme was consistent. The President and Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen were focused on increasing the tax burden on U.S. companies—particularly multinational companies.  As Secretary Yellen put it last year, “It is about making sure that governments have stable tax systems that raise sufficient revenue
In the coming weeks, we will break down our 2022 State Business Tax Climate Index, released in December, with maps illustrating each of the five major components of the Index: corporate taxes, individual income taxes, sales and excise taxes, property and wealth taxes, and unemployment insurance taxes. Today we look at states’ rankings on the corporate tax component, which accounts
One of the greatest challenges of lawmaking is recognizing when a beautiful theory must succumb to an ugly fact. The purity of conceptual policymaking must take the real world into account and acknowledge that things that work well “in theory” sometimes fail spectacularly to meet expectations “in practice.” It would be wonderful if a policy
You may have heard about new tax reporting rules for businesses using third-party payment apps such as PayPal, Cash App, Venmo, Zelle, etc. This has caused some confusion for app users, but we’re here to help you understand how it will (or won’t) affect your taxes next year. What’s changed? Until this year, payment platforms
We know it’s tempting, but don’t put off filing your taxes! Taxpayers must stay on top of tax deadlines to avoid possible penalties and interest charges for late filing. Falling behind on your tax filing obligations can be stressful. It’s better to file taxes early or on time so you can stop worrying about your