
Key Findings Cost recovery refers to how businesses deduct their investments over time. The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 reintroduced 100 percent bonus depreciation for short-lived investments, such as machinery and equipment, allowing full cost recovery for qualifying investments. Bonus depreciation will begin phasing down at the beginning of 2023. In 2018, the
Since 2018, the tax world has seen multiple rounds of proposals to change how digital companies are taxed. The most common, the Digital Services Tax (DST), popped up as a European Commission directive and then made its way into the national laws of multiple countries across the globe. Ongoing international tax negotiations were partially motivated
It’s Christmas time, and for millions of families around the country, that means revisiting some classic holiday movies. For some, that includes It’s a Wonderful Life and Home Alone. For others, that includes Die Hard. In this analyst’s view, Die Hard is a Christmas movie, though this is not an institutional position of Tax Foundation.
Most state tax changes take effect at the beginning of the calendar year (January 1) or at the beginning of the fiscal year (July 1 for most states). On January 1, 2023, thirty-eight states have noteworthy tax changes taking effect. Most of these changes represent net tax reductions, the result of an unprecedented wave of
Underlying every fiscal policy discussion in Washington is the question of progressivity: how much should tax and spending policy redistribute from high-income households to low-income households? This debate is often more rhetorical than substantive, but a recent study by the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) fills this void by presenting data showing that the current fiscal
Key Findings In 2022, 16 countries made changes to their statutory corporate income tax rates. Six countries—Colombia, South Sudan, Netherlands, Turkey, Chile, and Montenegro—increased their top corporate tax rates, while 10 countries—including France, Greece, and Monaco—reduced their corporate tax rates. Comoros (50 percent), Puerto Rico (37.5 percent), and Suriname (36 percent) are the jurisdictions with the