Real Estate

New homes under construction by CastleRock Communities in Kyle, Texas, in November 2021. Matthew Busch | Bloomberg | Getty Images Record increases in home prices are also pushing up the amount of equity people have in their abodes. For many Americans, that means they can borrow more against what is often their biggest asset. However,
Tommaso79 | Istock | Getty Images Although government intervention helped the U.S. avoid the scariest predictions for the possible number of pandemic-related evictions, hundreds of thousands of families still found notices on their doors. Since March 2020, landlords filed more than 750,000 evictions in the six states and 31 cities that The Eviction Lab at
Signage at the Intercontinental Shanghai Wonderland Hotel, developed by Shimao Group Holdings, in Shanghai, China, on Feb. 9, 2022. Qilai Shen | Bloomberg | Getty Images BEIJING — Moody’s downgraded Chinese property developer Shimao Group Holdings on Wednesday based on expectations that the company will find it harder to repay investors on time. The move
Mike Reynolds, 76, started building “earthships” in Taos, New Mexico, more than half a century ago. For many years, most people thought he was nuts. Why is this idiot using garbage to build with, and why is this idiot trying to make buildings that don’t need utilities?” said Reynolds, summarizing what people thought of him.