Personal finance

It’s never too early to start thinking about retirement. While the thought of funding your retirement adequately might be daunting, if you start planning now you’ll certainly be thankful later. It also might not be as difficult as you think. Retirement usually entails replacing your annual salary from a workplace with other income sources to
JGI/Jamie Grill After years of relatively low yields, certificates of deposit, or CDs, have recently shelled out higher rates, following a series of interest rate hikes from the Federal Reserve. While there’s uncertainty around the Fed’s future moves and the direction of interest rates, experts say CD ladders may capture higher yields while offering flexibility.
In this article UAL AAL TSLA NFLX SHOP-CA LYFT Follow your favorite stocksCREATE FREE ACCOUNT Okrasyuk | Istock | Getty Images Losing your job can be devastating financially and emotionally. Unfortunately, tens of thousands of people are experiencing that firsthand as the number of companies reducing their headcounts mount. This week, job cuts at Disney