Personal finance

Another bank is in hot water for so-called ”junk fees.”  The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau on Tuesday ordered Bank of America to pay more than $100 million to its customers and $150 million in penalties for double-dipping on fees, among other violations. The bank charged multiple $35 overdraft fees for the same transactions and generated substantial
After the Supreme Court‘s ruling on the affirmative action admission policies of Harvard and the University of North Carolina, decades-old legacy preferences are facing new challenges. The court’s ruling was considered a massive blow to efforts to boost enrollment of minorities at American universities through policies that considered applicants’ race. Now, a civil rights group is contesting the practice of
In this article AMZN Follow your favorite stocksCREATE FREE ACCOUNT By some measures, Amazon Prime Day could be good for your mental health. Amid concern about inflation and the direction of the U.S. economy, consumer spending has started to slow, but the “little treat” culture is gaining steam. For those on TikTok, the little treat lifestyle is considered a form
Rockaa | E+ | Getty Images When federal student loan borrowers resume their payments in the fall, they’ll find another repayment option available to them. The U.S. Department of Education said borrowers can enroll in “the most affordable repayment plan ever created” later this summer, and before the over three-year-long pause on federal student loan
Sturti | E+ | Getty Images The U.S. job market is gradually cooling but remains hot despite a year-long government campaign to reign it in, amounting to a favorable environment for many jobseekers, economists said. “It still boils down to higher worker leverage, better outside opportunities, an easier time exchanging jobs for better ones and