Personal finance

Maca And Naca | E+ | Getty Images Your student loan bill may get smaller next month. Here’s why: A feature of the Biden administration’s latest income-driven repayment plan that will reduce millions of borrowers’ monthly payments kicks in on July 1. For some borrowers, “it’s a dramatic drop,” said higher education expert Mark Kantrowitz.
Jamie Grill | Getty Images Mega backdoor Roth conversions can significantly boost tax-free retirement savings — but this maneuver is not available for all investors and mistakes are common, experts say. When investors make too much to save directly to a Roth individual retirement account, backdoor strategies can bypass the IRS income limits. A mega
SDI Productions | E+ | Getty Images A gradual cooling of the labor market has made it tougher to find a new job, but overall conditions are still favorable for job seekers. “Things have gotten competitive,” said Julia Pollak, chief economist at ZipRecruiter. “Don’t get discouraged; there are opportunities out there,” she added. “This is
Halfpoint Images | Moment | Getty Images The average 401(k) plan savings rate, including employee and company contributions, recently hit a record high — and the percentage is nearing a popular benchmark. During the first quarter of 2024, the combined 401(k) savings rate reached 14.2%, according to a quarterly Fidelity analysis of almost 26,000 corporate
D3sign | Moment | Getty Images Americans aren’t good at taking vacation. About 62% of workers say having a job with paid time off — for vacations or illness — is “extremely important” to them, more so than benefits like health insurance, a 401(k) plan or paid parental leave, according to a Pew Research Center