Personal finance

Most millennials have invested heavily in stocks or cryptocurrency — and that hasn’t turned out so well. The S&P 500 Index is down more than 20% so far this year. Bitcoin, the largest cryptocurrency, is hovering around $19,000 after starting out the year above $45,000. As many younger investors bail out of those investments, bonds
JGI/Jamie Grill When the Federal Reserve hiked the target federal funds rate by another 0.75 percentage points this month, it opened some new opportunities for savers to earn better returns on their cash. The Fed’s move is aimed at combating high inflation, which has sent costs for housing, food and energy soaring. related investing news
Source: Getty Images The IRS continues to chase U.S. taxpayers who failed to report and pay taxes on cryptocurrency transactions with a new court order allowing a summons for customer records. The agency will issue a so-called “John Doe summons” requiring M.Y. Safra Bank to turn over crypto transaction data for SFOX, a digital currency
Whether it’s due to belt-tightening or the promise of federal student loan forgiveness, suddenly families are paying closer attention to financial aid for college. Of those parents with college-bound students who didn’t plan on applying for federal aid, 58% have now changed their minds, according to a new report by Discover Student Loans. “Given the uncertainties
sturti The possibility of a looming recession is prompting fresh worries for both professional and everyday investors. More than half of Americans — 56% — think the country is already in a recession, according to a recent survey from MassMutual. Meanwhile, 49% of respondents said they think there will likely be a recession next year,
Hoxton/Sam Edwards | Getty Images Bond yields jumped this week after another major rate hike from the Federal Reserve, flashing a warning of market distress. The policy-sensitive 2-year Treasury yield on Friday climbed to 4.266%, notching a 15-year high, and the benchmark 10-year Treasury hit 3.829%, the highest in 11 years. related investing news Goldman