Personal finance

Damircudic | E+ | Getty Images By now, you’ve probably seen the green badges splashed all over LinkedIn, advertising that person is #opentowork. Whether unemployed and actively seeking a new position, or quiet quitting in their current role, more people are choosing to make their job-seeking status known on the career site. Globally, more than
D3sign | Moment | Getty Images There’s an important lesson for investors in Vanguard Group’s recent $106 million settlement with the Securities and Exchange Commission over its target-date funds: Being mindful of your investment account type can save you from a big tax bill in certain cases. Vanguard, the largest target-date fund manager, agreed to
Greg Hinsdale | The Image Bank | Getty Images Inheriting an individual retirement account is a windfall for many investors. However, a lesser-known change for 2025 could trigger a costly surprise penalty, financial experts say. Starting in 2025, certain heirs with inherited IRAs must take yearly required withdrawals while emptying accounts over 10 years, known
The rich are getting richer. The combined wealth of the world’s most wealthy rose to $15 trillion from $13 trillion in just 12 months, according to Oxfam’s latest annual inequality report — notching the second largest annual increase in billionaire wealth since the global charity began tracking this data. Last year alone, roughly 204 new