Month: August 2022

The Good Brigade | Digitalvision | Getty Images A new legislative package signed into law by President Joe Biden on Tuesday is a big win for Medicare patients who struggle to cover the cost of insulin to manage their diabetes. But the bill, called the Inflation Reduction Act, falls short of applying those cost controls
Today’s map zeroes in on states that have a “marriage penalty” in their individual income tax brackets. Under a graduated-rate income tax system, a taxpayer’s marginal income is subject to progressively higher tax rates. A marriage penalty or “marriage tax penalty” exists when a state’s income brackets for married taxpayers filing jointly are less than double the
Rising costs and falling confidence in the U.S. economy are fast becoming a toxic cocktail for the housing market. As a result, a growing number of buyers are backing out of deals they’ve made with homebuilders and sellers of existing homes. Homebuilder cancellation rates have more than doubled since April, according to surveys by John
Sometimes a life raft can look a lot like a credit card. In an economy that has produced the highest inflation rate since the early 1980s, Americans are struggling to keep up with day-to-day expenses and are increasingly relying on credit cards to stay afloat. Amid a dramatic rise in the cost of living, credit card balances jumped 13% in