Month: June 2022

In this article NFLX A scene from Netflix’s “Stranger Things”. Source: Netflix Could Netflix ditch its binge-release model? Stranger things have happened. The all-at-once release strategy for television shows is a bedrock of Netflix’s strategy. The first seven episodes of “Stranger Things,” which all premiered on May 27, broke records. It was the biggest premiere
amriphoto Most millennial millionaires feel optimistic about the U.S. economy, with nearly three-quarters expecting improvements by the end of 2022, according to the latest CNBC Millionaire Survey. Inflation concerns are a theme throughout the survey, with 37% of millionaires saying it’s the biggest risk to the economy over the next 12 months, the findings show. 
Bloom Productions Amid ongoing market volatility, actively managed exchange-traded funds may have a place in your portfolio. Most ETFs, which trade throughout the day like stocks, are passively managed — which means a fund’s performance generally mirrors the ups and downs of whichever index it tracks. A small but growing share, however, are employing active
The Marriner S. Eccles Federal Reserve Board Building in Washington, D.C. Sarah Silbiger | Reuters The Federal Reserve on Wednesday hiked its benchmark interest rate by 0.75 percentage points, the largest increase in nearly three decades. It’s the latest move from the U.S. central bank to combat the highest inflation in roughly 40 years, which
The Federal Reserve raised its target federal funds rate by 0.75 percentage points, the largest increase in nearly three decades, at the end of its two-day meeting Wednesday in an effort to quell runaway inflation. “The motivation for all of this is that prices are going up,” said Chester Spatt, a professor of finance at Carnegie Mellon