Month: March 2022

Steve Wozniak is officially done with Facebook. On a March episode of the “Steve-O’s Wild Ride!” podcast, hosted by entertainer Steve-O, Wozniak said that he and his wife both recently deactivated their Facebook accounts over data privacy concerns. When he “likes” a friend’s post, the interaction isn’t about connecting with someone he knows, the Apple
Ridvan_celik | E+ | Getty Images The current stock market, highly volatile and trending lower this year, makes this a daunting time for individual investors seeking to identify companies with reasonable risk and good long-term growth potential. Concerns about overall market performance — as of mid-March, the S&P 500 Index had had the fifth-worst start
Marko Geber | DigitalVision | Getty Images The IRS has issued a warning about how to answer the cryptocurrency question on the front page of your tax return. You’ll need to respond to a yes-or-no question about virtual currency, regardless of whether you “engaged in a transaction” in 2021, according to the agency. And the wrong
CNBC’s Jim Cramer on Tuesday said corn and wheat prices could continue to rise due to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, leaning on analysis from Carley Garner, senior commodity market strategist at DeCarley Trading. “The charts, as interpreted by Carley Garner, suggest that both wheat and corn prices are headed higher here. Maybe much higher. And
Many countries incentivize business investment in research and development (R&D), intending to foster innovation. A common approach is to provide direct government funding for R&D activity. However, a significant number of jurisdictions also offers R&D tax incentives. These generally take two forms, namely patent boxes—taxing income derived from intellectual property at a rate below the